Navigating Life’s Challenges Through a Jewish Lens

Life sometimes has unexpected twists and turns. Sometimes we are able to go with the flow, and many times it is more difficult. Sometimes the changes that occur are due to our own choices, and at other times, they are thrust upon us. Sometimes they are seemingly good, and sometimes not. But one thing that all of the changes we encounter in our lives have in common is that they can all be viewed through the lens that we choose to view them from. I have been through several life changing events, and I find that when I really connect to the events on a higher level, and I try to understand them in a wider context, I am able to cope better. That doesn’t mean that I don’t struggle. It just means that my struggles are anchored in my understanding of the world. I truly believe that Judaism provides this anchor, by giving us many of the answers to the bigger questions, and a greater sense of purpose and balance in life than what we would be able to achieve just through our own thoughts. I hope that this blog will be engaging and interesting, and will provide me and those of you who decide to read it with food for thought, and with means for coping with the changes happen to us in our journey. I am planning to take it as it comes, and I hope to find many gems along the way. I will start with a series of blogs based on my past experience, but since life continues to evolve, I hope that my writings will evolve along with my life experiences. Happy to have you along for the ride!