Communication and Connectedness

Let’s just appreciate for a moment the concept of communication.  We actually have the ability to express what is inside of our own heads, our hearts, our inner selves.  We have different ways of communicating our own thoughts, feelings and ideas – to other people! 

On the other side of the equation, and not by chance, we have the ability to take in what other people have expressed.

Aside from the mind-boggling details of the neurological, anatomical, physiological, motor, linguistic and other aspects that are involved in these processes of speech, hearing, reading and other forms of communication, let’s take a wider view for a moment at the essence of it.

Think about two people: separate entities physically, connected by thought. 

What a great concept. 

Remember when phones needed to be connected via a wire?  We thought that “wireless” communication was a revolutionary invention.  And indeed, for human inventors it was.

But we forgot that it already existed in the natural world.  That the real Inventor had thought of a way for humans to be separated into bodies while still maintaining the ability to share higher level aspects of ourselves.

It’s a gift to humans that is so basic, so fundamental, in our lives, that we don’t even notice it.  Until or unless it’s not there. 

But we should notice it, and not take it for granted.

The next time you speak to your spouse, get a message from your child, or listen to a really good podcast, just pause for a moment to appreciate this gift.

It is a gift for the living.